Fishery & Aquaculture
The oceans cover 70% of the planet’s surface yet only 2% of our calorie intake is seafood. There are great opportunities for the oceans to produce more sustainable food.
Malstrøm invests in companies that are utilizing this potential and invests in early stage projects that contribute to finding new ways of fishery, aquaculture and the development of seafood products.

Marine Biotechnology
Marine biotechnology is concerned with the exploration and exploitation of diverse marine organisms in order to develop new products. Exploration of the sea biodiversity could enable us to develop new pharmaceuticals or industrial enzymes that have high economic and social value.


Ocean Energy
Our seas and oceans offer a vast renewable energy resource, particularly, along the Atlantic seaboard. Ocean energy technologies are currently being developed to exploit the potential of tides and waves as well as differences in temperature and salinity.

Coastal Real Estate
The extraordinary beauty and cultural wealth Europe’s coastal areas have made them the preferred destination for many people in Europe and abroad. The value of real estate in these areas is projected to increase significantly in the next